Facilities have several signals that need to get back to a centralized control room. Often it is not cost effective or even possible to run many hundreds of twisted pair cables back to a central location.
When such a requirement exists, consider the NCS Net Concentrator System Remote I/O system. Each NCS can have inputs and outputs tied to it and communicates over Ethernet, twisted pair, RS-485, fiber, or even wirelessly with the addition of a radio system. The NCS includes an embedded web server that can be used for viewing real-time process data and can be used for programming. Unlike many other remote I/O systems, the NCS was designed with field installation in mind and therefore has an ambient operating temperature specification of -40 to 85C and has full channel-to-channel isolation. The NCS is rated for Class I Div 2/Zone 2 installations and includes input and output modules that handle current, voltage, temperature sensors, discretes and relays.
Key Attributes:
- Wide range of I/O types and number of points
- Class I Div 2/Zone 2 approval and -40 to 85C ambient operating temperature specification
- Expandable to handle thousands of I/O points