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Monitoring Remote I/O Sites Over Telephone Lines

Problem: We have remote storage locations scattered throughout the country that store inventory. Our service engineers would like to check the critical temperature and other measurements at the remote locations as they travel. Unfortunately, we only have analog telephone lines at each location. Do you have a solution that would enable them to use their laptops to check the temperature from anywhere?

Monitoring Remote IO Sites Over Telephone Lines Problem Solvers Moore Industries
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Solution: The NCS NET ConcentratorSystem® collects any combination of temperature, analog and discrete signals at the remote sites. It feeds them to an Ethernet telephone modem, which transfers the signals any distance back to a PC equipped with an analog telephone modem. Since the NCS has an embedded web server, the status of all of these signals can be viewed with any PC over an intranet or the internet using Internet Explorer™. The NCS even provides data logging for historical collection of the dispersed process data.

Model Number Examples
EMM / COM / SM / 20-30DC [DIN]
AIM / IO / AI4 / IP [DIN]
TIM / IO / TI4 / IP [DIN]
DIM / IO / CC8 / IP [DIN]