Problem: The EPA requires us to log flow and temperature data from our smoke stacks. Currently we are using a historian package called Pi from a company called OSI. Since these signals are not used for control, we really don’t want to take them to our expensive I/O cards in our DCS. Do you offer cost-competitive I/O that could connect to our historian over our plant Ethernet backbone?
Solution: The NCS NET Concentrator System®, as standard, provides the provision to communicate over Ethernet. The NCS gathers data from our universal I/O modules and sends that data over 10/100Base-T Ethernet. It supports OPC and MODBUS/TCP. We offer an OPC server for the NCS that can be loaded on any PC or Windowsbased workstation. The OSI Pi Historian has an OPC client interface that allows collection of these monitoring points. Pi Historian also supports MODBUS/TCP.
Model Number Examples:
EMM / COM / SM / 20-30DC [DIN]
AIM / IO / AI4 / IP [DIN]