Some plants have processes that create explosive atmospheres. When alarming is required on points that are in these locations consider using an Associated IS alarm trip, especially when the method of protection is Intrinsic Safety (IS). When IS is chosen as the facility’s protection method, intrinsically safe barriers for all of the 4-20mA, RTD and TC signals can be quite expensive, engineering intensive and space consuming.
The SPA2IS Site Programmable Alarm Trip is considered an associated IS device because it has the IS barrier embedded in the device so it can connect to temperature elements and transmitters that are located in Class I Div 1 or Zone 0/1 hazardous areas. This saves time and money since traditional IS barriers and the associated marshaling cabinet is no longer needed. The SPA2IS is approved for installation in Class I Div 2/Zone 2 areas and has four programmable SPDT relays and an optional auxiliary analog output.
Key Attributes:
- IS barrier built into SPA2IS, reducing needs for external IS barriers
- Easy programming with free PC software or push buttons
- Four programmable SPDT relays with auxiliary analog output