Mining facilities have far-reaching and remote locations that need to be monitored. Often these locations have limited wiring and are miles apart. Mining facilities have far-reaching and remote locations that need to be monitored. Often these locations have limited wiring and are miles apart.
To solve this dilemma look to the WNM Wireless Network Module. The WNM is a 900Mhz or 2.4Ghz License Free Spread Spectrum Radio that can cover up to 30 miles (without repeaters) between locations. Each WNM can be programmed to be a Master, Remote, Repeater or Remote/Repeater. The WNM is certified for installation in Class I Div 2/Zone 2 locations and supports Ethernet and MODBUS RTU communication links, therefore, making it an ideal interface with almost all remote I/O systems, including the NCS Net Concentrator System shown here.