Many facilities have hundreds of motors installed throughout various processing units. Monitoring of these motors for more precise control or protection is paramount.
The model ECT is a Class I Div 2/Zone 2 DIN rail, loop-powered (two wire) signal converter with an operating range of -40 to 85C (-40 to 185F) that accepts AC current inputs of up to 0-5A AC and outputs a linear and noise-free 4-20mA signal readable by the BPCS or PLC. As an added safety feature, the ECT offers an optional externally mounted mini-CT (Current Transformer) that steps 0-5A AC down to 0-5mA AC so technicians don’t have to worry about handling high current signals. ECT also accepts high-level AC voltage inputs too.
Key Attributes:
- Two wire loop-powered AC signal converter
- Class I Div 2/Zone 2 approvals
- High ambient operating temperature range of -40 to 85C (-40 to 185F)