The fermentation process in the manufacturing of beer requires tight and accurate temperature monitoring and control.
Rather than installing expensive field mounted temperature transmitters per point, consider direct wiring the RTD lead wire to a centralized cabinet. This allows for less expensive, and easier to maintain, DIN rail temperature transmitters to monitor fermentation temperatures.
The two-wire loop-powered THZ3 Smart HART Dual Input Temperature Transmitter is a highly accurate and repeatable DIN rail temperature transmitter with advanced diagnostics. If your control system’s input cards can read HART, you can further reduce your measurement cost per point by bringing two sensors to each THZ3 and reading the PV and SV dynamic HART variables, which represent Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 respectively.
Key Attributes:
- Cost-effective and compact DIN unit with highly accurate and repeatable measurement capability
- Dual input capability may reduce cost per point
- High ambient operating temperature range of -40 to 85C (-40 to 185F)