The highly versatile SIY programs to accept a wide range of current or voltage inputs. It outputs an isolated, proportional, 4-20mA signal. As a flexible analog/digital hybrid, this 2-wire (loop-powered) transmitter programs in seconds to handle a wide range of important signal interface applications.
- Isolate Signals to stop erratic process measurements caused by ground loops
Convert Signals so field instruments can interface directly with an indicator, recorder, DCS, PLC, or PC-based SCADA system
Divert Signals so the output from one transmitter can be sent to two separate locations
Protect Equipment and Signals by eliminating common electrical paths
Boost Signals so that more instruments can be added to an overburdened loop
- Solve Bucking Power Supplies by stopping a conflict caused by a 4-wire transmitter and a DCS both trying to power the same process
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