Rugged instrumentation for reliable measurement and control

Applications By Industry

New Problem Solver Highlights Backup and Fail-Over Protection of STZ

The SIL 3-capable STZ Functional Safety Dual Input Smart HART Temperature Transmitter has several features designed to reduce process interruptions safely in your SIS. One of the most important is the new dual sensor input that allows for Backup and Fail-Over Protection, which is the topic of a new Problem Solver on the Moore Industries website.

This example of a potential real-world application focuses on reducing the risk of exothermic reactions in batch reactors. These reactions can create thermal runaways where rising temperatures can lead to dangerous conditions. Backup and Fail-Over Protection allows either of the sensors or inputs to be designated as the primary measurement, with the secondary input acting as the backup sensor in case of primary sensor failure. This helps to mitigate potential thermal runaways before they become dangerous.

Visit the Problem Solvers section of our website to see more applications featuring the range of Moore Industries’ products.


STZ Problem Solver


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