Rugged instrumentation for reliable measurement and control

Applications By Industry

ECT DIN Isolator Reduces Footprint in 15mm Housing

The UL approved ECT-DIN 2-Wire Isolator is now available in a narrow 15mm aluminum housing. The thinner ECT-DIN 2-Wire Isolator with 15mm width retains the same General and Hazardous area approvals as the rest of the ECT family of isolators. It also has the same RFI/EMI protection and -40°C to 85°C operating temperature range. The ECT-DIN 2-Wire Isolator can be installed in hazardous locations and does not require installation in climate-controlled environments, making it perfect for more extreme locations.

ECT15mm web

Scott Saunders, President and CEO of Moore Industries, states “The rugged narrow 15mm ECT DIN 2-Wire isolator and converter with 4-20mA, 1-5V and 0-10V inputs and 4-20mA output, permits more isolators to fit in cabinets and field enclosures where installation space is limited, saving space and money.”  The ECT DIN 15mm narrow size allows more isolators to fit in cabinets and field enclosures where installation space is a premium. This is ideal for utilizing existing field mounted cabinets. The solid metal housing stands up to the continuous, daily rigors of process control and factory automation applications. An optional externally-mounted flange provides a secure mount, which ensures secure installation in high vibration environments. The ECT is UL approved Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C & D T4.

The rugged and reliable ECT family of signal isolators and converters provides versatile choices to match the type of AC or DC power available at each location. ECT-DIN 2-wire Output-Loop powered models, ECT 2-wire Input-Loop powered models, or 4-wire (Line/Mains) Powered Isolators/Converters and Splitters are also available. The complete ECT family delivers reliable signal isolation and conversion solutions for the most demanding ambient and noisy installation conditions.

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