Rugged instrumentation for reliable measurement and control

Applications By Industry

Moore Industries Worldwide Sales Rep

Moore Industries U.S.A. & Canada

Richmond, VA
Maryland/Washington D.C. - (410) 288-0560
Richmond - (804) 672-6508
Tidewater/Roanoke - (855) 805-2599
Fax: (804) 672-0265

Mount pearl
NL & Dartmouth, NS
Tel: (902) 225-9946
Tel: (902) 480-3039

P.O. Box 1092
Road #2 KM 44.2
Manati, PR 00674
Tel: (787) 854-5477

7931 So. Broadway #326
Littleton, CO 80122

Tel: (303) 795-1000
and (303) 790-2333
Fax: (303) 795-2274

100 Main Street
Suite 102
Fort Mill, SC 29715
Tel: (704) 321-1391
Fax: (704) 321-1397

3501 MacCorkle Ave
SE #143
Charleston 25304
Tel: (304) 342-0012
Fax: (412) 366-1728