Rugged instrumentation for reliable measurement and control

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E-Help Tips: Adjustable Deadband Thermocouple Alarms

TCA BWQ: We currently are using TCA Thermocouple Alarm units in our plant (model TCA/K-10MV/SX1/117AC/[STD]). The user’s manual says that the deadband is fixed at 1% of the input range. However, we need the TCA to trip at a set point of 190°F and reset at 180°F. Is this model capable of meeting this requirement and do you still manufacture this model?

A: Your model with the 1% deadband is not sufficient to handle the application. The model you need requires the Adjustable Deadband (-AD) option, which provides you a deadband adjustment of 1-20%. If you have a need for a larger deadband, the factory can assist you with selecting a newer microprocessor-based alarm module featuring increased configurability.

Do you want more information? Download the data sheet. Or visit the catalog.

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